Midwest Principals’ Center Bylaws
Affiliation with the Midwest Principals’ Center deepens a commitment to work for all children who are served in our schools. Members pledge that the needs of students – academic, intellectual, physical and social\emotional – will always be the measure by which we judge our work. The Center is governed by practicing school principals and has, as its primary purpose, the professional development of principals and other school leaders.
The name of the Corporation shall be: MIDWEST PRINCIPALS’ CENTER, INC. and is sometimes referred to in these By-laws as “the Corporation”.
The Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc. will help principals lead effective schools by enriching their leadership, affiliation, and knowledge.
- Principals work consistently to improve schools.
- Principals are leaders in effecting change.
- Principals are advocates for children, teachers, and parents and are accountable to all in the community.
- Principals who are active learners are more effective.
- An understanding of the nature of learning, the process of change, theories of instruction, and successful applications is critical to the success of principals.
- Opportunities for renewal are essential for the enhancement of the principals as persons and as professionals.
- Principals share many common experiences and a unique empathy for the complexity of their work.
- Principals can learn a great deal from reflecting on their own experiences and those of others.
- Principals gain affirmation and support by working together.
- Learning is enhanced in an environment where a sense of community exists.
- Effective organizations provide opportunities for their members to influence governance and professional activities.
- Principals have a unique role in developing leadership.
- Leadership is a shared responsibility in effective schools.
- Change will require challenging systems, traditions, and accepted practices.
- Cooperation with other professional organizations enhances the work of the center.
- The strategic plan formulated by the Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc. in 1994 articulated the Mission of the center: (reviewed in subsequent meetings)
- The Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc. will help principal’s lead effective schools by enriching their leadership affiliations and knowledge.
- The Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc. is founded on the belief that administrators, who are reflective about their work and are engaged in a sustained exchange of ideas with colleagues, have a greater potential to create schools in which students have positive experiences.
- The Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc. will provide professional growth opportunities for practicing principals, which member principals themselves view as most significant.
- The Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc. will encourage strengthening collegial relationships among principals in the sharing of “craft” knowledge through conversation.
- The Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc. will seek to enhance the image of the school principal in the minds of other principals, teachers, central office administrators, and the public at large.
- The Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc. will support principals in their personal and professional development by offering a variety of opportunities, which center on issues affecting the roles and tasks of principals
I. Individual Membership
- Membership is for practicing, aspiring, and retired principals, assistant and associate principals, and other administrators. Others in leadership positions, including teachers are eligible for membership.
- Individual membership fees are reviewed annually by the Governing Board.
- Membership continues for one-year from the date the fee is received.
- Individual members will receive all member services approved by the Governing Board
- Members pay reduced rates for attendance at designated events sponsored by the Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc.
- When events are limited to attendance, members are given priority.
- Members are eligible to join sub-committees.
- A first year new school administrator (new to the profession) and whose school district does not have district membership in the Midwest Principals’ Center are eligible to become a member of the MPC for their initial school year. Membership fees are waived for this first year.
II. Partnership
- School Districts, and other Educational Groups and Organizations are eligible to join in partnership with the Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc.
- Individuals employed in partner districts and organizations receive reduced rate for attendance at Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc. events.
- Partner school districts may be represented on the Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc., Governing Board.
- All partner districts and organizations, as well as individual members, receive e-mail reminders regarding programs and work of the center.
The purpose of the Governing Board is to review and assess the vision and mission of the organization and its policies
Governing Board: is composed of 2 branches: Executive Members and Advisory Members. The fees for members of the Governing Boards for Midwest Principals Center events are waived.
Executive Members
The Executive members must be current school principals at the time of their election/appointment. They serve a two year term and are eligible for consecutive terms of service.
Functions of the Executive Members
- The Executive members commit to meeting six times per program year to assess and advise on programs.
- The President of the Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc. approves the agenda and presides at meetings.
- The Vice-President acts as the President in the absence of the President.
- The Secretary approves minutes of the Governing Board meetings and provides a copy to the Administrative Assistant to be disseminated to all Board members. In the absence of the Secretary, an attending Executive member shall be given this responsibility.
- The Treasurer monitors the budget of the Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc.
- The Executive members are the final decision making agent of the Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc.
- The Executive members approve an annual budget established by the executive director(s).
- The members of the executive Board must represent elementary, middle and high school leadership
- The Officers of the Executive members select three at- large members to serve a two-year term as voting members of the Executive Board.
- The Executive members employ an Executive or Co-Executive Directors as determined by the needs of the organization and it financial ability to support compensation. The Executive members determines the duties of the Executive Director(s) and evaluates their services
- The Executive members employ an Administrative Assistant and other administrative support as determined by the needs of the organization and its financial ability to support compensation. The Executive Director(s) evaluates the service of all administrative support personnel
Election of Officers
- Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) are elected for a two year term.
- In the year in which officers are to be elected a candidate slate of potential officers is presented to the Governing Board at the second quarterly meeting of the Corporation.
- In the year in which officers are elected the vote on the slate of officers will take place in the third quarterly meeting of the Corporation
Advisory Board Members
- Advisory Members: are identified school leaders. They may be Principals, Assistant Principals, Superintendents, Assistant Superintendent, Central office administrators and teacher leaders
- The Advisory members affirm and promulgate the core beliefs of the Midwest Principals’ Center
- The Advisory members make program and other recommendations or suggestions for Midwest Principal Center programs
- The Advisory members help promote the yearly programs of the Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc.
- The Advisory members commit to meeting four times per program year to assess and advise on programs.
- The Advisor members commit to their own individual professional growth and the professional growth of those they serve.
The Governing Board of the Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc. may enter into Foundational Partnerships. All such partnerships will include written agreements signed by respective agencies or corporations.
- Organizational Partnerships – School districts and other educational groups are eligible to join the Midwest Principals’ Center for an organizational membership fee.
- Foundational Partnerships are those that directly support the work of the Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc.
- Outside Agency Partners are those affiliations that the Governing Board approves. The agencies’ mission must be supportive of the mission and beliefs of the Midwest Principals’ Center, Inc.
These by-laws may be amended by majority vote of the Governing Board.
Original version approved by MPC, Inc. Board 10/11/95
Revised Version approved by MPC, Inc. Board 3/10/99
Draft approved by MPC, Inc. Board 5/10/06
Revised Version approved by MPC, Inc. Board 11/13/07
Revised Version approved by MPC, Inc. 11-13, 2007
Revised Version approved by MPC, Inc. Governing Board June 23, 2010
Revised Version approved by MPC, Inc. Governing Board January 14, 2014
There shall be no disbursement of funds for any reasons other than customary expenditures (i.e. normal fund raising, purchase of equipment, or budgeted expenses) without the prior approval of the Executive Board.
No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II hereof.
No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be in the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political candidates on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Upon dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.